Fund data accuracy check

How accurate is your data? We can measure the consistency of the data you publish across print/electronic media and distributors. Fill in our form to request your report today.

Check your data

EMT compliance check

EMT 1.o, EMT 3.0, EMT 3.1: Can you trust that your EMTs are fully compliant? Upload your EMTs today, and we’ll check if they still meet the requirements.

Check your EMT

EMT 3.0 webinar replay

When the third version of the EMT becomes standard at the end of the year, it will impact everyone in the fund industry. What fields are changing? When will the market expect the new version? Do I need to manage both versions in parallel? Listen to our webinar and get all the answers from Mario Mantrisi our Chief Strategy and Knowledge Officer and Calum Musket our Chief Commercial Officer.

EMT 3.0 checklist

Manufacturers need to get ready to provide the new EMT 3.0 and to manage both versions in parallel during the transition period (until 20 December 2020). Download our checklist and make sure you don’t miss a thing.

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