Join us for the next edition of KNEIP INSIGHT, a unique event in the fund calendar, to be hosted on 8 December 2023.

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Market insight and regulatory updates delivered by leading subject matter experts

Expanding your data distribution footprint

In this latest podcast, our experts Terry Rosenbluth and Joe Lear look at destinations, why they are an important part of growth.

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Countdown to PRIIPs

This webinar will bring you up to speed with the latest developments on PRIIPs, and provide you with guidance to navigate the path to PRIIPs compliance.

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Introducing the EET

In this latest podcast, our experts look at destinations, why they are an important part of growth.

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PRIIPs is coming: how to plan and prepare

Practical steps and guidance on using this transition as an opportunity to rethink how you manage investor disclosure.

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Is your static data costing you money?

Watch our experts discuss the importance of static data in fund distribution.

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A practical guide to implementing SFDR for fund distribution

Recorded in February 2021. How will you implement ESG investor disclosure? Do you know why ESG data transparency is about to become critical? Three of our experts tackled these questions and more in a free online event designed to help you implement SFDR in fund distribution.

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Why successful factsheet production is only the beginning

How to solve the most common challenges with Factsheet production, and decrease your total cost of ownership by up to 40%.

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How have traditional media adapted to increase the marketing exposure of your funds?

Kneip spoke with the Financial Times, Die Presse and Mediafin to find out how these prominent traditional media continue to be ever more relevant to the fund houses today.

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Marketing your funds in Belgium

In this webinar we discuss the current state of the Belgium market with TrustMedia (L’Echo, Tijd) and consider ways to reach more potential investors.

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