Over 700 people registered for our upcoming webinar: Introducing the EET!
Join the 700+ already signed up to our upcoming webinar with EFAMA and PwC Luxembourg: Introducing the European ESG Template!
Under #MiFID II and IDD, from 2nd August 2022 distributors and insurers will have to start asking investors about their sustainability preferences. To determine which funds are suitable for these investors, distribution platforms and insurance companies will need these funds’ #ESG data. If they don’t have it, they will not promote these funds.
This is where the new European ESG Template (#EET) comes into place. #FinDatEx has published the final draft and fund manufacturers are expected to provide completed templates by 1 June, so distributors and insurers have the time to update their platforms before the August deadline.
Join Andreas Stepnitzka, Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at EFAMA, Nathalie Dogniez, Partner at PwC, and Ulf Herbig, Head of Product at Kneip, in this live webinar to find out directly everything you need to know about the production and dissemination of the EET.
Please note that this event is open to EFAMA members and Kneip clients.
Register here: https://kneip.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_aoNv57KZTKuU00geNVDT6g