Meet Kneip at FundForum UK
Meet our team and listen to Mario Mantrisi, our Strategy Director at the first edition of FundForum UK.
We are very excited to be one of the main sponsors of the first edition of FundForum UK, the largest community of senior investment management professionals in the UK.
FundForum UK brings together the most senior and forward-thinking fund buyers, asset managers and solution providers to challenge, be challenged and collaborate on raising industry standards and establishing a new sustainable pathway for UK financial services in the world.
Our Strategy Director, Mario Mantrisi will take part in a keynote address: The Future of Sustainable Data: Eliminating Greenwashing, Identifying Exposures and Managing True Risks of Climate and Nature Related Financial Disclosures. He will be joined by Fabrizio Palmucci, Senior Advisor at Climate Bonds Initiative, George Latham, Managing Partner, at WHEB Asset Management, Jeffrey Mushens, Technical Policy Director, at TISA, Alexandra Daly, CEO, at AA Advisors and Neil Clare, Senior Analyst, at FundQuest Advisor.
In addition, members of our team will be attending the conference and would be delighted to meet to you in person: Leyla Arpacioglu, Can Arslan, Charles Wraight, Jacob Koopmans and Tsetso Bikov.
To find out more about the event, please visit