20 October 2021

FundForum: Jacob Koopmans & the next evolution of fund distribution

On Thursday, Kneip will be providing the only expert briefing of FundForum International on the transition from UCITS to PRIIPs.

The move from UCITS to PRIIPs will likely be one of the hot topics of this year’s FundForum International. If you are attending the conference, do not miss Thursday’s briefing from our CCO Jacob Koopmans. It will be the only session of FundForum fully dedicated to PRIIPs, and a unique opportunity to find out everything you need to know about the transition.

Kneip’s regulatory expertise is built on a unique monitoring of the regulatory landscape through an active regulatory watch and our engagement in various associations and industry groups, to ensure that our clients remain compliant with the latest regulatory changes and market best practices. Only a week ago, we hosted 500 participants in our webinar “Everything you need to know to prepare for the PRIIPs transition” in partnership with EFAMA. When it comes to PRIIPs we go beyond a simple regulatory update by showing how to approach the transition and what practical steps you’ll need to follow to be prepared on time.

To find out more about the session, visit https://informaconnect.com/fundforum-international/agenda/2/#fundforum-international-distribution_expert-briefing-and-panel-the-next-evolution-of-fund-distribution-what-you-need-to-know-about-ucits-to-priips_15-30


Are you attending #FundForum International? To listen to our speakers and meet our team, visit www.kneip.com/fundforum

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