Kneip completes CSSF SFDR UCI Data Collection on periodic report
We are excited to announce that Kneip has successfully completed the collection of CSSF Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) data for our clients.
On 1st February the Luxembourg CSSF announced the launch of a local SFDR data collection exercise.
An assessment of investment fund managers (IMFs) compliance with their SFDR obligations is said to be necessary, to allow the CSSF to “fulfil its supervisory duties”.
IMFs are requested to complete the eDesk questionnaire (‘SFDR-IFM disclosures’) before 2 March 2023. Ongoing, firms must ensure that information provided to the CSSF is kept up to date.
As the deadline for the SFDR loomed, our team ensured compliance for our clients.
Here is how we did it:
- Leveraging Existing Data: For our long-standing clients, we tapped into their existing data, and we also supported clients for whom we hadn’t previously produced periodic reports.
- Automation at the Core: Our solution was fully automated. From data collection to validation, we streamlined the process. Automated controls ensured accuracy, and our workflow validation process kept everything on track.
- Filing on client’s behalf: We have managed the filing process on behalf of the clients and meticulously prepared and submitted the necessary documentation.
We are proud to share that our team ensured on-time completion and filed all SFDR reports by January 31, 2024.