15 November 2018

Brexit and how the funds industry does business with the UK

“Ladies and Gentlemen:  I would like to be sincere with you;  even in the event of an agreement, there will be adjustments for many of your companies as a result of the UK’s decision. It can’t be business as usual.”
– Michel Barnier, European Chief Negotiator, 10th October 2018

Brexit could fundamentally have a serious effect on how the funds industry does business with the UK.

Yes, there will be challenges.

Yes, there will be opportunities.

In the meantime, business continuity must remain in place and that is what we intend to do at KNEIP.

All KNEIP products are scalable, reliable and agile – whatever occurs with Brexit.

Get in Touch” to discuss your company’s Brexit plans, so we can jointly manage expectations and minimise any disruption to your day to day service delivery to your investors and distribution network.

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