Product release notes: introducing our new Factsheet solution
With our latest product release we are introducing an end-to-end solution for producing and disseminating fund factsheets. By leveraging our existing technology for UCITS and PRIIPs production, it creates a one stop shop for investor disclosure where data and synergies can be leveraged between documents to generate efficiencies and decrease cost of ownership.
As an asset manager, you typically produce fund factsheets on a monthly basis in your own template, which can be challenging especially as your business grows: collecting the right data from different sources, sourcing benchmark data, managing content & translations, keeping to the timelines etc.
A solution built with our clients using proven technology
Over the past months our teams have worked closely with clients and our wider community to truly understand these challenges and find ways to solve every one of them. As a result we developed a full solution for producing and maintaining Factsheet templates which can be scaled to generate large volumes of documents. Everything is included, from the flexibility of data collection, to the automated production of documents and the reach of a global dissemination capability:
- Simplify your process. The whole cycle is covered: managed service template management, doc production and dissemination to your distribution network.
- Stay in control. Factsheets can be produced in advance or on an ad-hoc basis. You monitor production, review status, and receive alerts about exceptions.
- Manage your templates. Kneip supports you with any Factsheet or investor disclosure template configuration.
- Gain flexibility. Decide on your production rhythm, being quarterly or monthly.
- Increase scalability. Cope with peak production periods with a scalable solution.
- Maximise efficiency. Enrich factsheet with market data and leverage synergies across investor disclosure outputs and data re-use.
Although we are officially launching our Factsheet solution today, a number of clients are already using it today and seeing those benefits.
Factsheet as part of a broader end-to-end investor disclosure solution
If you tackle each investor disclosure document with a separate solution you are likely to operate with redundant data flows, duplicate work, increase the risk of inconsistent data & missed deadlines, as well as inconsistent publication scopes. This in turn can hurt your bottom line.
To mitigate this risk and increase value for your organization and ultimately your investors, our Factsheet solution is built on the same technology that powers our UCITS and PRIIPs document production as well as SFDR disclosures.
Data re-use is automated and synergies between documents can be leveraged to truly take efficiencies to the next level.
Send data once, use it across KIID, KID, Factsheet & SFDR disclosures
For example, if you are one of our UCITS KIID clients, creating a Factsheet for a new fund becomes simple and efficient: Kneip knows which data points can be taken from a newly established KIID and these automatically feed into a new Factsheet so that the same data doesn’t have to be provided multiple times.
And if your funds are distributed in multiple markets, the information that has already been translated in the UCITS KIIDs is automatically used in the new local Factsheet where applicable, so it becomes more efficient and more cost effective as the text doesn’t have to be translated twice.
Last but not least, the integration with document dissemination ensures that any of your investor disclosure documents will be made available where you want them to be – may this be your very own website, a distribution partner or a data vendor.
Why successful factsheet solution is only the beginning
Would you like to find out more? Join our free webinar to find out how to solve the most common challenges with Factsheet production and leverage synergies between investor disclosure documents.