One click away from PRIIPs KID compliance
For UCITS and their management companies, with the PRIIPs regulation having come into force at the beginning of the year, a number of questions still remain and it seems they will do for the foreseeable future. In these constantly evolving regulatory times, it’s very important to keep a close eye on your data management and regulatory reporting and it doesn’t have to be complicated.
Here at KNEIP, we have developed a single digital platform that’s designed to fit in with your PRIIPs KID transition plan. With any change in regulation comes a good deal of stress, and we’re here to help facilitate and simplify the process. Our experts keep a keen eye on any change in regulation, while all your data is stored in a single place to make it as simple as possible and giving you time to focus on what’s important. We look after the data allowing you to look after your business.
KNEIPs digital platform solution is “PRIIPs ready”. This means that Asset managers already subscribing to UCITS KIID, EPT and EMT services within the digital platform can swiftly move to the production of PRIIPs KIDs as a large percentage of the necessary data points required are already available and your fund structure is already configured.
The KNEIP solution provides the flexibility to adapt to the upcoming regulatory requirements without the need to duplicate your existing data. Future regulatory change is covered by our solution, enabling our clients to produce both PRIIPs KID and UCITS KIIDs on the same platform and with the same data flow. By adopting KNEIP’s solution for the production of their UCITS KIID and PRIIPs KID, asset managers can mitigate the risk linked to the current regulatory uncertainty while avoiding the operational costs of managing production in two separate systems.
Take the risk and hassle out of the whole UCITS to PRIIPS subject by getting in touch with us today
Get in touch with one of our experts
KNEIP will be hosting an official launch of our digital platform at the end of September.
Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to find out more.