Meet our Client Experience team
Ready to listen, understand, and improve.
At Kneip, we aim to deliver a great experience for every interaction with our services, tools, events, and people. That means keeping our customers front and centre in everything we do.
Our new Client Experience team was brought together at the end of last year to lead the way in helping us align Kneip decisions and actions with our customers’ perspectives, and to define the best way to meet their needs and expectations. One of its key functions is to map out and analyse every touchpoint along a typical journey with Kneip, so issues or inefficiencies get identified and the overall experience enhanced.
Seeing through our customers’ eyes
As a service provider in the asset management industry, we are always eager to connect with our clients and find ways to improve their interactions with our teams, processes and products. The idea for setting up a team dedicated to reviewing the overall experience with Kneip came direct from those people within our organisation who interact with our clients the most. By bringing more structure around our drive for client-centricity, we will make sure the voice of our customers is listened to and heard within the organisation.
On a typical day, our client experience specialists spend most of their time engaging with clients to facilitate a truly customer-centric culture and set strategies to achieve the most seamless experience across our products and services. They also develop and implement tools and processes to better understand our clients’ needs and challenges, through use cases, surveys and interviews focused on understanding the why and addressing the root causes of any problems. With this new set-up, customer feedback and data become centralised, analysed, and shared throughout our organisation to make sure the customer is embedded in all our decisions, designs, and conversations.
The four pillars of the Kneip experience
The team, led by Myrtha Monateri our Head of Client Experience, is guided by four pillars:
Step into their shoes. Improving the experience starts with understanding the end-to-end journey and the different touch points that our clients have with Kneip. This is the priority of our Head of Client Experience.
Make it quick and easy. We know just how important it is to our clients to have transparency over the status of the instructions they send us. To that end, we are developing new ways to track service progress and make requests with ease 24/7. Monika Nehera is heading this project.
Clarity through knowledge. Because a quick search can provide faster answers than a phone call or an email, we are developing information tools that give our clients the freedom to easily find answers to their Kneip questions. This stream is led by Edward Smyda-Homa.
Reuse data, but securely. Fund data management is core to our business at Kneip, and Serge Cerro researches ways in which we can use our clients’ fund data for new, valuable purposes, with goals to save time, gain insights, reduce costs, preserve consistency, and improve the overall data quality.
Let’s keep talking!
We welcome all feedback and suggestions, and our team reviews each of them to turn ideas into actions and improvements. If you are one of our clients, you will undoubtedly meet Myrtha, Monika, Edward, and Serge during an upcoming call with your Account Manager. We encourage you to share the good experiences, the not so good ones too, and everything in between.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, feedback or suggestions, contact the team here.