Kneip publishes first EETs
Today product manufacturers officially start to deliver the EET! Over the past months, we have supported our clients to make sure that they are prepared well ahead of the deadline and we are pleased to share that Kneip has already started to send the first European ESG Templates to data vendors, distributors and insurers.
With Kneip our clients will be able to easily create, maintain and disseminate EETs for their funds. In addition, Kneip is offering an EET collection service to enable look through to target funds. Furthermore, the EET production can be seen as complementary to our EMT offering.
We have been reducing regulatory complexity and simplifying the distribution value chain for more than 20 years, and we have built a network of more than 500 asset managers who provide us with data and documents. This means Kneip clients benefit from our expertise in producing fund disclosure documents and have the opportunity to publish to more than 4,500 destinations.
Why trust Kneip with EET production, dissemination and collection?
- Ensure regulatory compliance and market best practice on ESG
- Facilitate data imports via flexible file formats on full and partial data sets
- Ensure annual certification of product governance with expiry date at ISIN level
- Expertise and active engagement in associations and industry working groups on ESG / EET
- Extensive network and relationship with data vendors and distributors to make your EET available where it needs to be to support fund distribution
- Connectivity to over 500 Asset Managers to collect EETs for look through purposes
Find out more about the new EET: watch the replay of our webinar with EFAMA and PwC.
Book your demo HERE, to learn more about the EET solution and the complete ESG offering of Kneip.