A practical guide to implementing SFDR for fund distribution
How will you implement ESG investor disclosure? How much do you know about ESG factsheets and the upcoming EMT 3.1? Do you know why ESG data transparency is about to become critical? We ran a live webinar where three of our experts tackled these questions and more in a free online event designed to help you implement SFDR in fund distribution.
ESG is becoming increasingly integrated in investment policies and processes. In 2021, new regulations will enter into force that will impact all funds directly or indirectly, regardless of the type of funds managers provide, including new data standards and new ESG specific disclosures.
ESG data transparency is about to become critical
Increasingly, ESG data and information is being published by data vendors and data intermediaries, as this data needs to be made available to investors prior to investment decision, and on a periodic basis. In addition, regulators are now expecting asset managers to report on their ESG processes and require that ESG data is made available to all levels of market participants. Characterizing funds from an ESG perspective is becoming more important than ever to contribute to growth.
Reviewing ESG investor disclosure, including SFDR, ESG Factsheets and EMT 3.1.
Watch Ulf Herbig (Head of Product), Mario Mantrisi (Chief Client Service Officer) and Julien Grolet (Regulatory Expert), in this webinar as they explain what you need to know and to do to manage these new ESG requirements, including new investor documentation.
Watch the replay here.